Wednesday, December 10, 2008


1. Take time for Transitions

One of the ways to crank up the stress level over the holidays is to go from one activity or place to another without any transition time. It’s easy to do. I know some people who feel obliged to visit four or more different relatives on Christmas day and drag their children along. If this fits your profile you might want to do a little “time management” now and make plans to spend some in-between time doing nothing. Or better still, spread the visits out over several days or weekend days before or after the holidays and use some time to just chill at home enjoying your immediate family.

2. Get outside often and exercise a little too

Cabin fever usually sets in at holiday time. We don’t get outdoors much and we don’t breathe a whole lot of fresh air. Just 10 minutes a day outside – either walking, skiing, snow shoeing, or just simply playing in the snow or watching your garden not grow will do it. And while you are out there try a little deep breathing. Get some of that beautiful crisp winter air flowing into your lungs and enjoy it.

3. Remember what the Holidays are about and show up accordingly

One family I know has a huge Christmas dinner every year. Mom slaves in the kitchen for days to make it happen. By the time the dinner is in the oven she is exhausted and cranky. Family members avoid the kitchen in order to avoid Mom. She does manage to pull it together when she finally sits at the table but you can tell she’s been very stressed and not happy for quite a while and it tends to rub off. By all means do the big production for a holiday meal if you can do it without too much effort and retain a positive composure. But if you can’t, then try something different that will give you time to be with the people you want to celebrate with, and to show up for them with love and peace in your heart.

Happy Holidays!

READ MY LAST WEEKS BLOG POST ON “HOLIDAY STRESS” below if you haven’t already and look for one more update on the subject next week before it’s show time for this year.

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