Friday, December 12, 2008



Sometimes we become victims to the Holiday Season. Holidays come with numerous expectations from others and obligations we feel we must meet. How often do you just “go along” with all that’s expected? It’s fine to do that if it can be done with love in your heart and a genuine smile on your face. If not, then perhaps it’s time to ask the BIG question: What do I want to create for me and my loved ones this year during the Holidays?”


Sit in a comfortable chair for a few minutes, close your eyes, and ponder that question. Ask it slowly and several times over to yourself. Then sit quietly and see what answers arise for you. As well as reflecting on your answers, also FEEL them in your body. Your body is often a great barometer of your truth. If an answer feels good in your body, it’s probably right on the money.

Once you get clear what it is you want to create, it’s time to start planning to make it happen. But do so with some openness and flexibility. When I asked that question for myself, one of the important things for me was being together with all of my children and grandchildren for the whole day on Christmas day. As I started to plan and talked to my adult children, I discovered it probably wasn’t going to work out as it conflicted with some of their plans. My daughter-in-law was very understanding and suggested that if we changed the day to the day before Christmas, the whole family could get together for a day of fun and togetherness. Although I would have preferred the 25th, I settled on the 24th and got most all of what I wanted to create and with everyone being supportive. Communication and enrolling the support of others is the last step and an important one, in the process of creating what you want.

Try it! And Happy Holidays!

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